Another Breastfeeding Basket

These things have become my go-to baby shower gift. It makes me so happy to spread information about breastfeeding to mommies-to-be! This one I made for a baby shower last weekend that was thrown for my stand partner in orchestra from high school (I play the cello–bet you didn’t know that!). I’m happy to say that I know she’s interested in natural parenting, so I sprung for some cloth pads to put in the basket!

This is essentially the basket I wanted to make from the get-go. I wanted this type of cute basket to put it in (which since it’s Easter time, I can actually find in the stores now) and I wanted to make the cut outs with little explanations for things. I would have liked to include some nicer things (like The Baby Book or The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding) or upgraded some things (like a Kleen Kanteen rather than a plastic water bottle), but you make do with what you have. I’ll include what the notes said in the list.

This basket included:

  • A big water bottle (Nursing moms need to keep hydrated!)
  • Granola bars (Oats are good for establishing supply!)
  • Lanolin sample attached to an info sheet about sore nipples (A life saver!)
  • 10 disposable breast pads (For those early extra-leaking days)
  • 4 cloth breast pads (Nicer in the long run)
  • A flyer for an infant massage class (Peanut loved this!)
  • A business card for a local breastfeeding supply store/lactation consultant that runs the store (My favorite breastfeeding supply store)
  • Tear-off sheets about breastfeeding: Breastfeeding, The Importance of Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Tips, Establishing Your Milk Supply (Breastfeeding info)
  • Tear-off sheets about possible issues: If Your Breasts Become Engorged, Tips For Rousing a Sleepy Newborn, Newborn Jaundice, Is My Breastfed Baby Geting Enough Milk?, Treating Thrush (Just in case)
  • Tear-off sheets about other stuff: Breast is Best – How Dad Can Help, Safe Sleep, Tips For Handling the Baby Blues, Manual Expression of Breast Milk(Other useful info)

These baskets are super easy to make and I love giving them. I love making the assumption that moms breastfeed rather than thinking “Oh I don’t know if I should give this to her because I don’t know if she’ll use it.” I love sending a huge message about breastfeeding being natural when everyone else is giving bottles. I love that I feel like I’m normalizing breastfeeding for these new moms. I’m giving them the information that they need to succeed. Whether or not they breastfeed, I feel like I am giving them the information they need to make an educated decision.