Oh Katy Diaper Review

Get ready for the Peanut and baby photo shoot!

As many of you know, we are on the tail end of Peanut’s diaper life. She’s been potty training for about two months now and I think she’s getting the hang of it. Since we’re potty training, she’s diaper free for most of the day, but during naps and night time she’s still rockin’ the cloth diapers. I love cloth diapers. Seriously So. Frickin’. Cute. We’ve been using almost exclusively gDiapers since Peanut was big enough to fit in them, but honestly I’ve been wanting to broaden my horizons. So when I saw Oh Katy diapers at the Great Cloth Diaper Change, I had to get some!

Peanut's baby in an Oh Katy diaper. It's large on baby, but that's a tiny diaper!

And I must say, I’m impressed! Not only do these diapers get super, super tiny for newborns (see picture to the right), but they also can hold up to toddler sized waterfalls of pee! It’s amazing! And, while I still love my gDiapers, I’m very happy to have diapers that always smell fresh and delightful (since you reuse the outside cover on the gDiapers, it gets stinky after a while).

Butt in the air Peanut. 😛

Peanut has been undoing her gDiapers for quite some time now (the velcro in the back helps, but it’s still velcro), but she can’t undo these for the life of her! Very, very nice commodity when your poopy toddler is being impatient. You can even wrap them up this special way so don’t have to carry a wetbag! What an idea!

Peanut and baby smiling for the camera

I am thoroughly impressed with these diapers. It’s a local {to me} mama who makes them and she’s just a lovely person. I really enjoyed chatting with her. I’m excited to use these on Twig and I love that they’ll fit him/her from day 1 until {theoretically} 5 years! I just hope Twig doesn’t stay in diapers that long.

Now guess what!? You can win one! Are you so excited? Here’s how you enter! (Please leave 1 comment for each entry.)

*Mandatory*  1 entry – leave a comment with your favorite Oh Katy diaper color! Here’s a link to the different colors (the names for the colors are in the pull down tab)

1 entry – follow me on Twitter. 

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1 entry – Tweet about this giveaway (leave a link to the tweet in the comment)

2 entries (make 2 separate comments) – follow this blog by RSS or email.  

2 entries – follow Oh Katy’s blog by RSS or email. 

2 entries – become a fan of The Adventures of Lactating Girl on Facebook. 

2 entries – become a fan of Oh Katy on Facebook.

2 entries – blog about this contest (leave a link the comment) 

The winner will be chosen on Monday, June 20th at 5PM Mountain Standard Time by random. The winner will be emailed and must respond to the email within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen. Good luck everyone!

Congrats Vashti McMurray! You are the winner of the Oh Katy diaper! 

Oh My gDiapers

gDiapers. Have I said how much I fricking love these things?

Holy cute for something meant to be shit in!
Sure, there was a bit of a learning curve. We had some problems with leaking. But to be honest, we’ve had problems with leaking in any kind of diaper. Peanut has some anorexic-type baby legs and diapers just aren’t made for that. So, once we got the hang of the things, they turned out to be my favorite diapers.

We moved to the gDiapers right before she was 8 lbs (the recommended weight) which was too soon because I’m impatient and hastey. That didn’t work out and I just chalked it up to her being too small. After hitting 8 lbs, we tried and failed again–this time I decided that her skinny legs were to blame. Only later did I find out I was doing it wrong. There is one very important step when putting on the gDiaper that was mentioned a million times on their website, but somehow I still seemed to miss it.

This is the diaper liner when you first put it on. Make sure to tuck it into the crease between your babe’s leg fat and girley (or boy-ey) parts.

I know what you’re thinking. “Is there really a difference?” Less than an inch, but that inch is the difference between leaky diaper and not leaky diaper.

It is VERY important that you litterally take the liner and tuck it into the crease between their “parts” and leg. You know, that lovely leg flap right there that’s always collecting poo? Yeah, that. They say “right in the crease of their legs like underwear” right on a video on the site, but I still didn’t get it. I AREZ SMRT!!!

So after getting the flushable inserts thing down (with a couple clogs… DON’T FORGET TO SWISH!!!) we moved on to cloth inserts. I bought some and made some. Quite honestly, I like mine more. I just took some of the microfiber cloths and surrounded them in plain old cloth diaper material and sewed around the edges. This will be further explained in a future post after I do my medium/large sized ones and perfect the method a bit.

We still use the flushable inserts at night and I change her once during the night. With the cloth inserts, I change her about every 2-3 hours and we normally don’t have problems with leaks unless I forget to change her.

I just recieved my medium sized g’s and I’m excited to use the new ones with new colors, but also very sad that OMFG MY BABY IS ALREADY IN A MEDIUM?!?! Overall, I’m happy we decided to go with gDiapers and stuck with them long enough to figure it out.

Wanna try g’s? Use this code to get $30 dollars off (so it’s 40 dollars) of a 6 pack of everyday g’s. g729Lindstrom